Scrumptious Campfire Baked Apples – 50 Campfires


Sweet campfire treats don’t have to be loaded with extra sugars or calories. If you need an alternative to the standard S’more, try these natural and delicious campfire baked apples!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes S’mores can feel like too rich of a desert after a day of hiking and exploring. On our next camping trip, I wanted to indulge in a sweet treat that wouldn’t give me a sugar crash. I found the perfect solution- this super easy and healthy recipe for campfire baked apples checks all my boxes!

This recipe is perfect for any time of year, just pick up your favorite fresh variety of apples. I used Honeycrisp and they turned out amazing! You can customize this recipe by mixing up the filling for your apple. I chose to fill mine with rolled oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, and walnuts. I think craisins, pecans, and any other variety of granola would also be delicious. 

What I really liked about this healthy dessert is how quickly it came together. With all hands of the family on deck, it took about two minutes to core the apples, three minutes to stuff and wrap them and then we just popped them onto the coals to bake for 20 minutes. Use tongs to remove your apples from the fire, you’ll know they are done when they are soft to the touch. Then enjoy the warm, soft and sweet goodness of this healthy treat!

If you’re wary of baking your food foil, simply line the foil with parchment paper. The foil will protect your food from burning and the parchment paper acts as a barrier between the foil and your food- problem solved. Also, no mess to clean up afterward! Another benefit of campfire baked apples!


  • 4 large apples
  • 2 tbsp walnuts
  • ¼ cup rolled oats or granola
  • 2 tbsp craisins (optional)
  • 2 tbsp butter


  1. Carefully core each apple
  2. Place each apple on their own a 10-inch square sheet of aluminum foil and parchment paper (optional)
  3. In a small bowl, mix together dried fruits, nuts, and spices
  4. Press dried fruit mixture into the center of each cored apple
  5. Cut butter into four pieces and place each small square on top of each apple, over the center filled with the dried fruit mixture
  6. Wrap each apple tightly with the aluminum foil
  7. Place foil-wrapped apples in or next to hot coals, not onto an open flame, and cook for 20 minutes, checking for softness

Fan of apples are ya? Check out 9 Delicious Apple Recipes For Your Campsite!



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