Kingston bylaw officers issue eviction notices to residents camping behind Integrated Care Hub


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City of Kingston bylaw officers have issued an eviction notice to people camping behind the Integrated Care Hub.

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Staff at the hub confirm that three bylaw officers and two Kingston Police officers arrived to issue the Notice of Trespass and No Trespass Orders to the roughly 70 people camping at about 9:30 a.m. The notices were issued to those camping on municipally owned property in the Belle Park, K&P Trail area. Those residing in the area must leave before 5 p.m. next Wednesday.

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Individuals have been camping in the area for years, but the encampment has grown since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 29, 2022, Kingston city council approved a four-month pilot project allowing residents to camp in the area and more than $358,000 was provided to develop services.

In a news release sent out later Friday morning the City of Kingston said city council allocated more than $1.1-million for the Encampment Protocol at that time which supports “transitional housing and services for people staying in City parks and other areas where risks to their health and safety are increased.”

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“Our goal is to ensure the safe relocation of those staying in the encampment,” Curtis Smith, director of Licensing & Enforcement Services with the City, said in the release. “We’re grateful for the ongoing work of our community partners to assist individuals in accessing services that will aid their transition.”

The order issued Friday was accompanied by a list of shelters available and service options as well as a map of where they are located.

“The city has been working with you and its community partners in establishing a transition plan, with the ultimate goal of securing you permanent housing,” the order reads. “Now that these services are in place, the City of Kingston is counting on your co-operation through the transition process.”

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The notice said the city and its “community partners” are available to help residents as they work through their transition options out of the area and can store any possessions as required.

“The City of Kingston will take those measures necessary to enforce this No Trespass Order against you should you continue to engage in the prohibited activities at Belle Park/ K&P Trail after the deadline and Kingston Police will have the authority to act on behalf of the City of Kingston if you are found engaging in the prohibited activities on the premises,” the order warns. “Failure to abide by this No Trespass Order could result in legal action. No Further warning will be given.”

Those experiencing homelessness or who are concerned about about person in need, are asked to call the Street Outreach Team at 613-542-6672, ext. 130.

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