2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count begins
The 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, a point-in-time snapshot of homelessness in Los Angeles County that helps determine the distribution of funding and services to the unhoused, began Tuesday evening.
CULVER CITY, Calif. – An ordinance prohibiting camping in public places in Culver City has been introduced by City Council.
The goal of the ordinance is to “protect health and safety in and access to the city’s parks, sidewalks, and other public places.”
It defines camping as “settling, fixing in place, setting up, storing, locating, or leaving behind in a prohibited public place any or a combination of the following: tents, huts, other temporary physical shelters, cots, beds, or hammocks.” The law specifically excludes “sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and/or similar bedding used while sleeping.”
City Council said the ordinance should not be enforced until the city has opened 73 new units of interim and permanent supportive housing that is under construction on Sepulveda Boulevard, as well as a safe-camping site with supportive services for up to 40 people on a city-owned parking lot. Additionally, there is an agreement with local motels for additional rooms for temporary housing.
All the aforementioned projects are expected to be completed later this year.
The ordinance will be considered during the Feb. 13 meeting. If approved, it would go into effect on March 13.
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