RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – Many Black Hills National Forest campgrounds remain open during the off-season, according to a release from the USDA. Bear Gulch Group Site, Bismarck Lake, Horsethief, Oreville, Iron Creek Horse Camp, and Willow Creek Horse Camp will be available through Oct. 1.
Other campgrounds will have a limited number of sites into the off-season. These campgrounds include the Bearlodge, Cook Lake (B Loop only), and Reuter Campgrounds, and Sundance Horse Camp.
On the Northern Hills Ranger District, camping is available during fall and winter at the C Loop in Roubaix Lake Campground and the three sites that are outside the gate at Boxelder Forks. Rod and Gun, and Timon Campgrounds are also open in the fall but will close, regardless of weather, on Dec. 1.
On the Mystic Ranger District, camping is available at no charge at Black Fox, Castle Peak, Custer Trail, Ditch Creek, Dutchman (Top Loop only), and Whitetail Campgrounds (Lower Loop only).
On the Hell Canyon Ranger District, five camping sites are available outside the gates at both Bismarck Lake and Comanche Park Campgrounds. Eight campsites are available at Beaver Creek Campground, with no fee and closes Dec. 14. Redbank Springs offers four sites and is once again offering toilet facilities during the early off-season. Because of this, fees are being collected at Redbank Springs during the off-season and will close Oct. 31.
Experts say that during the off-season, campers should plan and be prepared for extreme weather, hazards, and emergencies.
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