Black Friday is one of the best shopping days of the year, with pretty much every store in the country offering major discounts on their products. It’s a particularly great day for stocking up on outdoor gear and luggage—it’s no secret that those items are typically pretty pricy, so finding kayaks, fire pits, and high-quality suitcases at a fraction of their usual price is definitely cause for celebration.
This year, we’ve been seeing great deals from classic outdoorsy brands like Coleman and CamelBak, as well as luggage brands like Samsonite. So whether you’re getting ready for a long-haul flight or want to stock up for your next camping trip, read on for our top picks on Black Friday deals on outdoor gear, travel accessories, and luggage.
We’ll be updating this list frequently (including on Black Friday, which is on November 25 this year), so be sure to check back for the latest deals!
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